Young student studying at home.

Strengthening the Quality of Remote Learning: Reflection Tool

As youth leaders and teachers across the country rapidly innovated to deliver remote learning, SCRI has reflected upon nearly three decades of research and evidence to consider how to measure quality in a remote learning environment. We know how important quality experiences are to a young person’s ability to learn and grow. The Remote Quality Reflection Tool is available publicly for remote learning providers to reflect on the quality of their summer programs, since for many assessing quality in a remote environment is new.

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Student eating lunch at school.

Sharing Program Outcomes with Key Stakeholders

SCRI acts as a backend evaluator for youth programs, customizing a suite of assessment tools to track progress in areas ranging from academic learning to staff professional growth and family engagement. Our partners use the visually appealing Impact Report to share results and program details with key stakeholders.

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Teacher with group of students outside.

Tracking Program Metrics of Quality and Impact

SCRI works with partners to continuously assess the quality and outcomes of programs. We use the Results Dashboard to help our partners track key metrics related to program implementation, including indicators of quality and impact. Our partners use this report to identify and reflect on areas of strengths and continuous improvement.

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