
The Essentials of High Quality Enrichment Toolkit

Experts agree that out-of-school time (OST) programs have transformative impact on youth, especially when enriched with high-quality activities spanning academics, arts, and physical pursuits. Acknowledging the importance of comprehensive planning, SCRI offers a toolkit designed to guide OST providers in strategically crafting and implementing purposeful enrichment programming.

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Teacher meeting, sharing knowledge.

Staffing Toolkit for Out-of-School Time Learning Programs

To help OST providers implement evidence-based best practices when planning for hiring and retaining OST program staff, SCRI developed the Staff Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention Guide.  This toolkit includes guidance, tip sheets, planning tools, and sample language for successful OST-program staffing.

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Summer Learning Program Evaluation Guide

A comprehensive evaluation plan is critical to summer program quality and sustainability, and will provide you with a 360-degree view to identify program strengths as well as opportunities to improve in future summers. Use this guide to support you in creating evaluation plans that are aligned to research and evidence in order to understand your impact, reflect on quality, identify program strengths and challenges, and develop processes for continuous improvement and long-term sustainability.

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SCRI Day 1 / Week 1 Checklist

This tool guides summer learning leaders through a series of questions to help them prepare for their program’s Day 1 / Week 1 and avoid common missteps.

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SCRI Site Visit Checklist

An essential part of any program’s sustainability plan is cultivating and strengthening buy-in from your key stakeholders, including funders, school, district, and community leaders. A great way to engage stakeholders and stay top-of-mind is to offer the opportunity to see the program in action through virtual or in-person site visits.

The checklist below will help you plan and execute site visits so that guests leave the experience feeling enthusiastic about your impact and invested in the long-term success of your program.

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The Promise of Summer as a Time for Teacher Professional Development: Companion Guide & PD Planning Tool

This Companion Guide helps districts and youth development providers identify and apply evidence and insights from the study “The Promise of Summer as a Time for Teacher Professional Development” to ensure meaningful and high-quality summer PD. The PD Planning Tool helps summer learning providers align professional development opportunities with program goals and determine new strategies, techniques, and skills they would like to further develop with their staff.

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