Looking to build high-quality evidence-based programming?

Have a clear vision, but unsure how to implement it?

Need to build the capacity of staff to deliver offerings?

Need to build discipline for continuous improvement?

Reputation as a Strong Capacity Builder

SCRI taps into decades of evidence, experience, and effective practices to co-create a strong action plan rooted in an analysis of your data. We recommend ways to achieve your goals, such as the talent, systems, and processes.

Talent retention is key to success, which is why we work side by side to build team capacity through customized coaching and blended learning strategies.

Examples of SCRI’s services include high-quality implementation, coaching and capacity building, process and procedure codification, and development of customized tools and resources.

Hear From Our Clients

Summer learning programs were able to use the findings from SCRI’s quality improvement report to gain insight into the program’s key strengths and areas for improvement. SCRI’s team provided a rare moment for program staff to intentionally reflect and build upon their work; a moment I wish was commonplace for every program.

Justina Acevedo-CrossProgram Director, Hawaii Community Foundation

Client Success Story

Hawaii’s education leaders knew they needed to focus on ensuring access to high-quality summer learning programs for all students.

Learn how SCRI’s assessment of the summer learning landscape produced key insights to strengthen individual program practices and elevate the quality of summer programs statewide.

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